Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ed Begley, Jr. in Praise of Energy Audits

Energy audits are a natural progression from Home Inspections since we are in the attic, the crawl space and generally reviewing the various mechanical and functional systems of a home. Complete audits can include blower door and ductwork tests to determine the exact amount of conditioned air you are losing every minute your HVAC system runs. The real numbers nationwide indicate we lose 300 to 400 cubic ft of air per minute based on national testing results.
Here in California those numbers could be higher for older homes because we have an inventory of homes built before insulation or a tight seal on the building envelope was a requirement.
Reducing your PG&E bill by one third to half is a good goal, and achievable for many homeowners, new or old construction.
Open this link to learn hear the opinion of one well known Hollywood proponent of energy conservation. and look for the Ed Begley blog coments posted Jan 5th 2010